Event Registration - Irwindale Chamber of Commerce

This event has completed.

Celebration of Leadership & Excellence - Chamber Installation and Awards Dinner
6:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Event Description

The Irwindale Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors cordially invites you to attend the 38th Annual Installation & Awards Dinner.  This year's theme is "Celebration of Leadership & Excellence".  Please join us in your best attire as we recognize the incoming Irwindale Chamber of Commerce Officers  and Board  of Directors.. We will also be celebrating the Joe DiShanni Business of the Year Award, the Business Person of the Year Award, the Citizen of the Year, the Employee of the Year and the Chamber Ambassador of the Year.
This elegant event is always a sell-out and promises to be a lovely evening featuring great people and fabulous food and ambiance.  Join us for the event of the year.

Single Ticket:    $65 per person

Sponsorships Available:

Entertainment Sponsor (limit 3)            $1,500 (limit 3)
Reserved table of 8 
Sponsor of Entertainment with company name cards on selected tables and signage
Half page ad in event program
Recognition in the Insights  Newsletter

Wine Sponsor                                             $1,500
Sponsors two bottles of wine (one red, one white) on every table
Reserved table of eight
Recognition on each table
Half page ad in event program
Recognition in the Insights Newsletter
Table Sponsor                                            $650
Reserved table of eight
Company name card on table
Recognition in event program
Recognition in the Insights Newsletter
Photography Sponsor                              $500
Sponsors photos of attendees (singles, couples or groups), one 4x6 of each sitting will be provided after the event
Two reserved seats at event
Signage at photography station
Quarter page ad in event program
Recognition in the Insights Newsletter

Individual Ticket            $65 per person

Program Ads
Full page ad                          $200
Half page ad                         $100
Quarter page ad                   $ 50

$65 per person. $650 per table 0f 8 (additional marketing exposure.
6pm Cocktails. 7pm-9pm Dinner and Program
9pm-11pm Featuring light dinner jazz
Evening includes Dinner, Silent Auction